Bryce (finishing up a slice of watermelon)
So on to the things that you really care to hear about...
* are running, jumping, climbing
* have many words: "mommy", "daddy", "doggie", "juice", "cookie", "book", "bath", "jump", "mote" (remote), and "please" are just a few
* laugh, smile, and giggle A LOT
* sing, dance, and spin in circles until they fall down
* stack blocks
* race cars
* make animal sounds
* do an undo puzzles
* walk up and down the steps (holding the wall, railing, or a hand) like big boys
* read books
* love to play outside
* think that everyone who visits is here to chase them
* eat with real silverware
* dump every toy box, basket, or container everyday
* can spot a ball and a dog a mile away
* give hugs and kisses
* make US smile EVERYDAY!
Here is a very brief video (I couldn't fit 500 photos in my 30 second free video) of some of our summer pictures from this summer.
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.