Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wish I Could Be...

A stay at home mom!

On days like today I get a taste of what staying home on a "work day" is like. School was cancelled today so I enjoyed the day at home with the boys. I enjoy my job, but I LOVE my boys and wish I could be home with them everyday.

So today we spent a lot of time together and I was able to just observe Bryce and Owen interact with each other. It's great to watch and listen as the make each other giggle. They chase each other and take each other's toys. They get out nearly every toy they have, but still want the remote, the computer, the cell phone and anything else they shouldn't have.

All in a day...

I change lots (and by that I mean at least 10) poopy diapers, but I don't care.

I wear my jammies and so do they, but I don't care.

I eat my lunch after they have had theirs, but I don't care.

I hold going to the restroom until they are extremely occupied or in bed, but I don't care.

I do several loads of laundry, but I don't care.

I wash dishes, sippies, and highchairs, but I don't care.

I slice and dice their food, but I don't care.

I do all of this (and much more) because I DO CARE about the two most precious little boys in my life. I do care about playing, reading books, chasing, tickling, tackling, and loving them everyday.

Maybe tomorrow I can be a stay at home mom again! More snow is on the way!