Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back in the Game

I know it has been nearly 5 months since I last posted on our blog. I hate breaking promises. I promised many people that I would be better about updating our blog. In fact, I think a previous blog states that it was a New Year's Resolution to post more often. Clearly, I have broken my promises and it is time to start anew. One would think that a teacher with some extra time off in the summer would find many opportunities to post a blog update or two. Honestly, I do not know where the summer went. Here it is nearly October already!


Bryce (finishing up a slice of watermelon)

So on to the things that you really care to hear about...


* are running, jumping, climbing

* have many words: "mommy", "daddy", "doggie", "juice", "cookie", "book", "bath", "jump", "mote" (remote), and "please" are just a few

* laugh, smile, and giggle A LOT

* sing, dance, and spin in circles until they fall down

* stack blocks

* race cars

* make animal sounds

* do an undo puzzles

* walk up and down the steps (holding the wall, railing, or a hand) like big boys

* read books

* love to play outside

* think that everyone who visits is here to chase them

* eat with real silverware

* dump every toy box, basket, or container everyday

* can spot a ball and a dog a mile away

* give hugs and kisses

* make US smile EVERYDAY!

Here is a very brief video (I couldn't fit 500 photos in my 30 second free video) of some of our summer pictures from this summer.

Create your own video slideshow at

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Haircuts, Crayons, and Cookies

Bryce coloring for the first time.

Owen coloring in between bites of his crayon... don't worry I didn't let him swallow any - this time!

Bryce getting his hair cut for the first time. He really didn't need it cut, but we were there for Owen, so we decided to get him a little trim too.

Owen had quite a few straggly hairs that needed trimming. He was starting to grow a little rat tail, so we decided it was time for his first haircut.

Daddy feeding the boys chocolate chip cookies on their snack rugs.

Friday, April 9, 2010

EGGS-tra Special

Bryce and Owen enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs this year. Joe and I were impressed by how quickly they caught on to the idea of finding, picking up eggs and putting them into their baskets. They also enjoyed shaking the eggs to see what kind of noise the surprise inside would make.

So I might be getting a little carried away with my little videos, but I hope you enjoy them. You could say I'm making up for lost time with my slacking on the blog the last couple of months.

Create your own video slideshow at

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Video Practice

Just playing around!

Create your own video slideshow at

Enjoy :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Signs of Spring

This weekend it will be 3 weeks since we moved into our new house. We are settling in and enjoying the neighborhood. The boys have explored every cabinet, corner, closet, door, window, and even a few things they shouldn't (like blinds, electrical outlets, coffee tables). They are moving about very well these days. Walking is more frequent than crawling, and their words, sounds, and giggles fill our ears all through the day. Being outside is their preferred place to be. However, since we have rocks for a drive way and dirt and rocks for a yard, it is very difficult to keep them contained and safe. Owen was the first to get a scraped nose. Bryce was the first to eat dirt and rocks (mommy saved the rocks before being swallowed). Swinging at the park and riding in the wagon (up to 3 times a day) keep us entertained in a more toddler friendly way. The boys have made lots of friends in the neighborhood, as they wave and say "hi" (over and over again) to every adult, child, and animal they see. Fits are thrown when it is time to go inside for the evening.

I have greatly enjoyed my time off this week during our spring break. It went so quickly and now I am looking forward to summer even more than I was before.

Enjoying snack time on our wagon ride.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wish I Could Be...

A stay at home mom!

On days like today I get a taste of what staying home on a "work day" is like. School was cancelled today so I enjoyed the day at home with the boys. I enjoy my job, but I LOVE my boys and wish I could be home with them everyday.

So today we spent a lot of time together and I was able to just observe Bryce and Owen interact with each other. It's great to watch and listen as the make each other giggle. They chase each other and take each other's toys. They get out nearly every toy they have, but still want the remote, the computer, the cell phone and anything else they shouldn't have.

All in a day...

I change lots (and by that I mean at least 10) poopy diapers, but I don't care.

I wear my jammies and so do they, but I don't care.

I eat my lunch after they have had theirs, but I don't care.

I hold going to the restroom until they are extremely occupied or in bed, but I don't care.

I do several loads of laundry, but I don't care.

I wash dishes, sippies, and highchairs, but I don't care.

I slice and dice their food, but I don't care.

I do all of this (and much more) because I DO CARE about the two most precious little boys in my life. I do care about playing, reading books, chasing, tickling, tackling, and loving them everyday.

Maybe tomorrow I can be a stay at home mom again! More snow is on the way!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy Birthday

So I'm not doing very good on my New Year's goal to post more on the blog. But, I certainly could not let this day go unblogged.

Tomorrow will be one year since our precious little boys were brought into this world. It's extremely hard to believe that this year has come and gone as quickly as it has. A busy and exciting year it has been.

We let the boys have a birthday cake today. What was supposed to be a small smash cake turned out to be much more. The boys sure didn't mind! They do seem to love cake and icing.

This video gives you an idea of how much fun Bryce and Owen have together. We love their laughs and giggles. They keep us smiling everyday.

Now for some updates:

Bryce had tongue surgery on Friday to clip his tongue since he was tongue tied. He did great and acts as if nothing ever happened. It was not a major surgery, but he did have to be put out for it. He weighed in at a big 16 pounds. We think Owen is about 19 pounds right now.

Both of the boys are doing quite well at the walking behind toys and along furniture. They like to help each other get around and through the gates that we use to keep them some what contained. Dancing and singing is part of their daily activities. They especially love to dance and sing with daddy. Some of their favorite words are: "da da", "D" (for Uncle Dale), "ma", "mom", "hi". They have learned to wave hi and bye and blow kisses.

The new house is coming along great. Dry wall was finished this week and paint will begin next week. We are looking to close sometime early March.

Bryce and Owen were excited to see their new room in the house.

Joe and I are planning our first trip away from the boys. Joe has been given the opportunity to go to the Bahamas compliments of his boss in March. I was hesitant at first, but quickly realized that we could not pass up this opportunity.

One year gone and another one begins. We are looking forward to all of the joys that 2010 will bring us.